Saturday, December 9, 2017

Ship Building Demo

I spent today ironing out some "final" bugs in the ship builder and re-building the demo ship from the ground up.  I now have an alpha build of the editor which I sent to a few friends, so it'll be interesting to see what they come up with.

The next step is baking this construction model into a real, functional strategy game unit.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Resource Networks

One of the core mantras I really want to come across in this game is the 6 P's (proper preparation prevents piss-poor performance).  Players who think through the design of their ship will always win versus players who slap a lot of guns on a box and hope for the best.  One of the most important factors in how a ship will perform in combat will be how well it can withstand damage.

Unlike most voxel-based games, damage to blocks will not necessarily make them disappear (this will only happen where a specific DR for the block is beat, mostly from very heavy weapons).  When the exterior blocks take hits, they will have a probability of causing damage to interior blocks.  This damage can include starting fires, bursting pipes, severing data links, causing atmosphere leaks, etc.  For example, if the communication link between CIC and a gun is severed, that gun will need to switch to local control (which will incur penalties).

This suggests that there are pipes to burst and conduits to break.  In order to provide the player the ability to build redundancy into their design (e.g. so a single hit to the wrong place won't knock out power to half the ship) I had to implement a system of piping and wiring.  This system is called Resource Networks

Foreground: Water pump (left), Fuel pump (right)
Background: Circuit breaker (left), Reactor (right)

In the images you can see a simple version of an engine room with its various connections.  These include fuel and water tanks, engines, a reactor loop (reactor, steam turbines, condenser), and pumps.

Every resource system tile (4 per regular tile) can have a conduit traveling through it in 2 of 3 directions (e.g. if a pipe it going lengthwise and widthwise, nothing can go vertically).  Certain types of conduits can also jump others on the same level, as you can see in the very center of the top image where the grey power cable goes through the red pipe.  I haven't implemented specific geometry to illustrate this jump yet, so right now they just clip through each other.

Equipment can have Resource Connections at positions in the grid.  These are divided into Sources, Sinks, and Storage.  Every tick sources output a resource into the net, and sinks consume that resource.  If there is more demand than supply, connections become starved and the block may stop functioning.  Special types of sinks with the "CanPull" flag set can also draw from storages.  A pump, for example, is implemented as a can-pull sink and a source, allow equipment connected to the output to receive resources stored in tanks they wouldn't be able to pull themselves.

Monday, November 27, 2017

New Beginnings

It's been more than four years since I've had a project worth posting about on here.  Previously this blog was dedicated to progress on my own game engine.  Game engines are cool, but I'm more interested in making games.

Over the past two months I've been laying the groundwork for a new game project, and I finally have some progress worth presenting.  Most of that time has been spent creating extensible and generic components for building ships (compartments, machinery, exterior hull, etc) and an interface for putting them together.

So what do the first results look like?

Example Frigate Exterior
Interior Deck Layout
This game is a space strategy game with some twists.  I grew up playing games like Homeworld, and I loved the real-time strategy combined with the three dimensional battlefield (and of course, the spaceships).  But something has always bugged me about strategy games, and it is the fact that a gigantic space battlecruiser and an infantryman are treated exactly the same way: they are a singular unit which has x hitpoints before it dies.

I might be biased but ships are far, far more than a singular unit.  They're complex machines operated by hundreds of people.  In this game you can command your ship in a traditional RTS sense, but you can also go inside and give crewmembers orders to, for example, patch some damage or fight a fire.  I want the player to be able to see the chaos inside of a heavily damaged ship, and try to task their (surviving) crewmembers with repairs to keep the ship fighting a few moments longer.

Ships are comprised of compartments which have equipment such as engines, pumps, or terminals inside them.  This equipment is connected together with piping and wiring to form resource networks which allow them to function, such as providing power to blocks which need it.  The exterior hull is built in a Space Engineers style around the interior.

Battles will take place between small numbers of ships (2-3 per player) due to their complexity, with long time-to-kill for an individual ship.  As ships take damage, equipment will be damaged and resource connections broken necessitating repairs.  Fires can also be started, and will spread if not fought quickly.  If an exterior block has taken too much damage it can be destroyed completely, possibly opening a compartment to space.

One thing I am absolutely adamant about is that there will be no point where a ship loses all of its health and spontaneously ceases to exist.  As long as there is a single living crewman and functional equipment on the ship, it can still be selected and given orders (whether it can carry out those orders is another matter).

So join me on this journey into making the most micro-manage-y spaceship RTS ever.